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A Toronto police officer was stabbed and a suspect shot. Both hospitalized in stable condition

来源:Culture Channels news portal编辑:sport时间:2024-04-30 13:28:58

TORONTO (AP) — A Toronto police officer was stabbed and a suspect was shot in the city’s west end, authorities said Friday.

Toronto police said in a post on the social media outlet X that both the officer and the suspect were hospitalized and in stable condition. They said it happened around 1:30 p.m. local time in the College Street and Lansdowne Avenue area.

The Toronto Police Association said in a social media post that the officer has non life-threatening injuries and that he is being supported by the union and his colleagues.

Images from the scene show yellow tape and police vehicles surrounding a plaza that includes a Tim Hortons restaurant.

Roads were blocked in the area as the investigation continued.

The Special Investigations Unit, which looks at cases in which a police officer has been involved in a serious injury or death, said more information will be released later Friday.

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